Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Homework 4/30/13

1. TOB Parent Letters (3 missing)
2. Excuse note - 1 missing

For tomorrow:
1. Monthly News - third article
2. Monthly News - quiz pack
3. Math - Show What You Know p. 240-241 (all)
4. K of C Track permission form
5. Choir permission form (girls)
6. Novel Study - "A Door Comes To Me" (read, visualize, map notes)
** 7. Bring running shoes for DPA

For Thursday:
1. HCA Mass permission slip
2. Math Chapter 6 Test
3. Extreme Environment Book
4. Spelling Lesson 23 p. 134-137

For Friday:
1. Hot Lunch forms
2. Best school uniform for HCA Mass


  1. miss.B, today we couldnt find our text features page for our science book project and we had it yesterday and now its gone. we dont know what we are supposed to do for text features. pls help somehow!

    1. You are free to text choose features other than those you signed up for - you can dump the ones you chose on the paper if you don't remember what they are. Just make sure that there are 3 text features on each page.

      Some options: web, caption, venn diagram, linear chart, flow chart, map, fact box, sidebar, labels, comparison, headings, italics / bold, diagram, photograph, glossary.

      I hope that helps!

  2. Can't finish the extreme environment project lost the paper- ocean group

    1. If the missing paper is the same as the one above, follow the same instructions to the best of your ability. All I ask is that you do your best - if you can complete the project without the paper, do your best, and you'll all be heroes in my eyes!
