Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Homework 4/30/13

1. TOB Parent Letters (3 missing)
2. Excuse note - 1 missing

For tomorrow:
1. Monthly News - third article
2. Monthly News - quiz pack
3. Math - Show What You Know p. 240-241 (all)
4. K of C Track permission form
5. Choir permission form (girls)
6. Novel Study - "A Door Comes To Me" (read, visualize, map notes)
** 7. Bring running shoes for DPA

For Thursday:
1. HCA Mass permission slip
2. Math Chapter 6 Test
3. Extreme Environment Book
4. Spelling Lesson 23 p. 134-137

For Friday:
1. Hot Lunch forms
2. Best school uniform for HCA Mass

Monday, 29 April 2013

Homework 4/29/13

Format for Science Chapter 9 Test
/5 Matching 
/8 Fill in the blanks
/7 Long answer (1 mark for a topic sentence, 2 reasons/examples to support 1st choice, 
                         2 reasons/examples to support second choice, 1 for concluding sentence, 
                         1 for overall writing quality)

1. TOB - Parent Letters (Chapter 1) - 3 missing
2. March Excuse notes (1 missing)
3. April Excuse notes

For tomorrow:
1. Science Chapter 9 Test
2. TOB - Getting To Know Me (collage)
3. Novel Study - I Learn To Season My Food (read, visualize, map notes)

For Wednesday:
1. Extreme Environment book
2. Monthly News - third article
3. Monthly News - quiz pack
4. Math - Show What You Know p. 240-241 (all)
5. K of C Track form
6. Choir permission (girls)

For Thursday:
1. Spelling Lesson 23 p. 134-137

Sunday, 28 April 2013

7 Most Important Things About Geometry and Measurement

1. Sorting triangles by sides
2. Sorting triangles by angles
3. Drawing triangles
4. Polygons
5. Perimeter of polygons
6. Area of a Rectangle
7. Volume of a Rectangular Prism

Friday, 26 April 2013

Homework 4/26/13

1. TOB - Chapter 1 Parent Letter (4 missing)
2. March excuse notes (1 missing)
3. April excuse notes

For Monday:
1. Math mini-book - 7 Important Things

For Tuesday:
1. Science Chapter 9 Test
2. TOB - Getting To Know Me collage

For Wednesday:
1. Monthly News - third article
2. Monthly News - Quiz Pack
3. Extreme Environment Book
4. K of C Track Meet forms
5. Choir permission forms (girls)

Thursday, 25 April 2013

Homework 4/25/13

1. TOB Chapter 1 Parent Letter (6 missing)
2. March excuse notes
3. April excuse notes

For tomorrow:
1. Edu-Pac orders
2. Religion Chapter 10 quiz
3. Science - Chapter 9 Review - p. 182-183 (Vocabulary and #1-11)
4. Novel Study - "The First Man Who Was After Me" (read, visualize, map notes)
5. Spelling Lesson 22 Quiz
6. Bring runners for mini PE class tomorrow
7. Alter servers to the church for 8:30am
8. Soccer girls to the school for 7:35 am

For Monday:
1. Math mini-book - 7 Important Things About Geometry and Measurement

For Tuesday:
1. Science Chapter 9 test
2. TOB - Getting to Know Me collage

For Wednesday:
1. Monthly News - third article
2. Monthly News - quiz pack
3. Extreme Environment group book

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Homework 4/24/13

1. Theology of the Body - Chapter 1 parent letter (6 missing)
2. March Excuse notes - 1 missing... but if you know you have to write one for April, please do!

For tomorrow:
1. Jeans Day (14 have pre-payed. Please ensure that you bring in a donation to participate)
2. Religion Chapter 10 quiz for those girls who are in soccer (Everyone else on Friday)
3. Novel Study - "The King's Provider" (read, visualize, map notes)
4. Spelling Lesson 22 p. 128-131
5. Zoom-In visual dictionary (colour and fine-line)

For Friday:
1. Soccer girls at school for 7:35am
2. Edu-Pac orders due
3. Religion Quiz - Chapter 10
4. Science Chapter 9 Review p. 182-182 (Vocabulary and #1-11)
5. Spelling Quiz Lesson 22
6. Altar Servers at the church for 8:30

For next week:
1. Monthly News - third article (Wed)
2. Monthly News - Quiz Pack (Wed)

Monday, 22 April 2013

Homework 4/22/13

1. Theology of the Body - Chapter 1 parent letter (12 missing)
2. Choir Permission slip - Fiesta Mass (April 27)
3. Excuse notes for March (3 missing)

For tomorrow:
1. TOB - "If You Ask Me..."
2. Socials - Know / Wonder about Japan
3. Immunizations - short sleeved school shirt recommended
4. Novel Study - "I Meet One of My Own Kind..." (read, visualize, map notes)
      *note - I forgot to put this on the HW board today at school,
        so remind your friends when you talk to them tonight.

For Wednesday:
1. Math Textbook p. 237 #1, 3, 6, 7;  Workbook p. 86, 87
2. Math Dictionary - "volume"
3. Monthly News - second article
4. Pre-pay for Jeans Day ($3 suggested minimum)

For Thursday:
1. Spelling Lesson 22 p. 128 - 131
2. Jeans Day

Friday, 19 April 2013

Homework 4/19/13

1. Theology of the Body parent letter - signed and returned
2. Choir Permission forms for Fiesta Mass (April 27)

For Monday:
1. Read-A-Thon: Read this weekend, return verification form MONDAY MORNING.
2. Monthly News - map pack
3. Extreme Environment research - paragraph answers
4. Math Textbook p. 233 #2, 4, 5, 6; Workbook p. 84-85
5. Math Dictionary - "area"
7. Social Studies - Sort Japan facts (p. 50)

For Tuesday:
1. Theology of the Body - finish "If You Ask Me..."
2. Social Studies - Know / Wonder about Japan

For Wednesday:
1. Monthly News - second article
2. Pre-pay for Jeans Day (suggested minimum $3)

For Thursday:
1. Jeans Day

For Friday:
1. Edu-Pac orders due

Thursday, 18 April 2013

Homework 4/18/13

For tomorrow:
1. Hot Lunch for those who ordered
2. Read-A-Thon continues - READ!
3. Math Skills - multiplying 3 numbers
4. Novel Study "The Old, Old Tree" (read, visualize, map notes)
5. Spelling Lesson 21 quiz
6. Theology of the Body parent letters - sign and return

For Monday:
1. Read-A-Thon verification sheets returned
2. Monthly News - Map Pack
3. Extreme Environment research
4. Math Textbook p. 233 #2, 4, 5, 6; Workbook p. 84-85
5. Math Dictionary - "area"
6. Sort the facts about Japan (p. 50)

Next Week:
1. Monthly News - second article (Wed)
2. Jeans Day - pre-pay your donation ($3 suggested) (Wed)
3. Edu-Pac orders (Fri)

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Homework 4/17/13

For tomorrow:
1. Read-A-Thon: Keep reading!!
2. Spelling Lesson 21 p. 122-125
3. Theology of the Body parent letter returned
*No track practice after school
*Girls soccer game after school (vs. Fatima @ OLGC)

For Friday:
1. Math Skills - multiplying 3 numbers
2. Spelling Lesson 21 quiz

For Monday:
1. Read-A-Thon verification sheets
2. Monthly News - map pack
3. Extreme Environment research

Monday, 15 April 2013

Homework 4/15/13

For tomorrow:
1. Read-A-Thon: Read at least 30 minutes (or more!!)
2. Math - Exploring Perimeter
3. Science - Read p. 176-177. Complete notes page. CYU p. 177
4. Novel Study - "I Find Gribley's Farm" (read, visualize, map notes)

For Wednesday:
1. Track Meet at Bear Creek Park
2. Monthly News - first article completed

For Thursday:
1. Spelling Lesson 21 p. 122-125

For Friday:
1. Math Skills - multiplying 3 numbers together (2 sheets)

For next week:
1. Read-A-Thon sheets (Monday MORNING)
2. Monthly News - map pack (Monday)
3. Extreme Environment research (Monday)
4. Jeans Day - please pre-pay your $5 (Thursday)
5. Edu-Pac orders (Friday)

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Homework 4/11/13

For tomorrow:
1. Scholastic orders
2. Hot Lunch forms
3. Track and Field forms
4. Science - Read p. 172-175. Complete notes page. CYU p. 175.
5. Novel Study - "I Get Started On This Venture" (read and visualize, map notes)
6. Spelling Quiz Lesson 20
7. Read-A-Thon - read, read, read!

For Monday:
1. Math Dictionary - concave polygon, congruent, convex polygon,
                                irregular polygon, non-polygon, regular polygon
2. Math Textbook p. 222 #1, 4, 7; Workbook p. 80, 81

For Wednesday:
1. Monthly News - first article

For Monday, April 22
1. Monthly News - Map pack

Monday, 8 April 2013

Homework 4/8/13

For tomorrow:
1. Math - Textbook p. 207 #2, 4, 5, 8; Workbook p. 74, 75
2. Math Dictionary - acute triangle, obtuse triangle, right triangle
3. Science - Read p. 167-171. Complete notes page. CYU p. 171
4. Read-A-Thon - Get lost in a good book for at least 30 min.
5. Novel Study - finish intro sheet

For Wednesday:
1. Math - Drawing Triangles
2. Science - Decide on research questions (1 per group member)

For Thursday:
1. Spelling Lesson 20 p. 116-119

For Friday:
1. Scholastic orders due
2. Hot Lunch forms due

Friday, 5 April 2013

Homework 4/5/13

1. Please return outstanding photo orders or pictures

For Monday:
1. Communicating Skills p. 24-26

For Tuesday:
1. Math - Textbook p. 207 #2, 4, 5, 8; Workbook p. 74, 75
2. Math Dictionary - acute triangle, obtuse triangle, right triangle
3. Science - read p. 167-171. Complete notes page. CYU p. 171

For Friday:
1. Track and Field forms
2. Scholastic orders due

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Homework 4/3/13

1. Soccer permission forms
2. Picture Orders (due yesterday)
3. Lenten Mite Boxes

For tomorrow:
1. Math Textbook p. 201 # 1, 2, 5, 7, 10; Workbook p. 72, 73
2. Math Dictionary - Equilateral Triangle, Isosceles Triangle, Scalene Triangle
3. Spelling Lesson 19 - p. 110-113

For Monday:
1. Communicating Skills p. 24-26