Saturday, 9 February 2013

Homework 2/8/2013

1. We Create Change - bring pennies
2. Make sure you show that letter from the Archbishop to your parents!
3. Have you brought in your Shrove Tuesday Pancake orders?

For Tuesday:
1. Science - read p. 38-41. Complete notes page. CYU p. 41
2. Red Day - wear red athletic clothes, bring $2. Jump Rope / Hoops for Heart.
3. Pancake hot lunch - bring a plate, cutlery and a cup in a Ziploc bag.
4. Tuesday is "Valentine's Day" - if you are bringing cards for the class, this is the day.
     Remember, if you are bringing cards for the class, please bring them for everyone,
     not just a few for your 
friends. We don't want anyone to feel left out on a day
     dedicated to showing people you care about 

For Wednesday:
1. Activités en famille - scrapbook page
2. Persuasive essay rough copy
3. Choose a poem / character recitation for Speech Arts **

For February 18:
1. Write a narrative for Speech Arts**

**See blog post from Thursday, 7 February 2013 for more information.

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