Thursday, 28 February 2013

Homework 2/28/13

1. Registration packages were sent home today! 
(Parents will return them on Registration Night, March 13th).
2. No school tomorrow!

For Monday:
1. Science - Reference list
2. Science - 20 facts on your research animal (on note cards)
   *Note - if it's faster for you to type your notes, you can paste them onto the cue cards.
                Just use the column feature in Word and choose 2 columns to make sure 
                your notes fit on a cue card.

For Wednesday:
1. Picture Day
2. Return Student Led forms

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Homework 2/27/13

For tomorrow:
1. Spelling Lesson 17 p. 100-103
2. Math Textbook p. 26 #1, 4, 5, 6; Workbook p. 8-9
3. Sign and correct Math tests (missing #17, 18, 21, 26, 27)
4. Sign and correct Religion quiz (missing #14, 27)
5. Bring cue cards for Science project
6. Science - read pages 66-71. Complete notes page (While You Read). CYU p. 71
7. Speech Arts Intermediate Finnals

For Friday:
1. Pro-D - No school!

For Monday:
1. Science project - reference list

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Homework 2/26/13

For tomorrow:
1. Wear pink for Anti-Bullying Day!
2. Math Textbook p. 22 #1-6
3. Sign and correct Religion tests (Missing #14, 27)
4. Sign and correct Math tests (Missing #17, 18, 21, 25, 26, 27, 31)
5. Bring cue cards for Science research project
6. Scholastic orders last chance

For Thursday:
1. Spelling Lesson 17 p. 100-103
2. Science - read pages 66-71. Complete notes page ("While You Read"). CYU p. 71.

Monday, 25 February 2013

Homework 2/25/13

For tomorrow:
1. Scholastic orders due
2. Sign and correct Math tests
3. Sign and correct Religion tests (Missing #12, 13, 14, 18, 27)
4. Communicating Skills p. 22-23 (8-10 sentences)
5. Monthly News - Barack Obama and Famous Volcanoes
6. Speech Arts - memorize speeches
*Girls' Basketball practice after school

For Thursday:
1. Spelling Lesson 17 p. 100-103
* Girls' Basketball practice at lunch. Game vs OLA @ OLGC after school!

Friday, 22 February 2013

Homework 2/22/13

For Monday:
1. Math - Textbook p. 14 #1, 2, 6
2. French - Ma Grande Famille scrapbook page
3. Speech Arts - Memorize narrative (optional)
4. Speech Arts - Prepare bible readings (optional, but 28 people have chosen this option)
5. Sign and correct Religion test (Missing: #1, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 18, 21, 27, 30)

For Tuesday:
1. Scholastic orders due
2. Speech Arts - Memorize speech (not optional!)
3. Sign and correct Math tests
4. Communicating Skills p. 22-23 (8-10 sentences)
5. Monthly News - Barack Obama, Famous Volcanoes

Thursday, 21 February 2013

Homework 2/21/13

For tomorrow:
1. Sushi Hot Lunch!
2. Speech Arts - memorize speech
3. Spelling Quiz Lesson 16
4. Sign and correct Religion quiz (I'm missing #1, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 18, 21, 27, 30)

For Monday:
1. Math Textbook p. 14 #1, 2, 6; Workbook p. 4-5
2. French - Ma Grande Famille scrapbook page
3. Speech Arts - prepare Bible readings

For Tuesday:
1. Scholastic order due
2. Communicating Skills p. 22-23 (8-10 sentences)
3. Math Tests - signed and corrected

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Homework 2/20/13

For tomorrow:
1. We Create Change - bring pennies: last day!
2. Math - Textbook p. 8 #2, 3, 5, 9; Workbook p. 2-3
3. Science - Chapter 2 Test (see format below)
4. Spelling - Lesson 16 p. 94-97
5. Sign and correct Religion test
6. *Optional* - First day to present speeches

For Friday:
1. Speech Arts - memorize speech

For Monday:
1. French - Ma Grande Famille: scrapbook page

For Tuesday:
1. Scholastic orders due

*Science Test Format*
10 Vocabulary (matching)
7 True / False
3 Alike and Different
4 Short Answer (how and why)

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Homework 2/19/13

For tomorrow:
1. Speech Arts - memorize poems
2. Science Review - p. 47 #1-12
3. French Workbook p. 10

For Thursday:
1. We Create Change - last day to bring pennies
2. Spelling Lesson 16 p. 94-97
3. Sign and correct Religion quiz

For Friday:
1. Speech Arts - memorize speech

Monday, 18 February 2013

Homework 2/18/13

For tomorrow:
1. Math - Design a floor plan (with percent, fraction, decimal chart)
2. Science - vocabulary definitions p. 46
3. Religion - Lenten reflection
4. Speech Arts - Persuasive essay good copy

For Wednesday:
1. Speech Arts - memorize poems and character recitations

For Thursday:
1. First (optional) day to present your speech to the class
2. Spelling Lesson 16 p. 94-97
3. Sign and correct Religion quiz
4. Last day to bring pennies

For Friday:
1. Speech Arts - memorize persuasive speech

For Monday:
1. Speech Arts - memorize narrative
2. Speech Arts - practice bible readings

Saturday, 16 February 2013


Please remember that the one and only day for the Mission Toy Sale
this year is this Monday, February 18th.

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Homework 2/13/2013

1. We Create Change - bring pennies

For Monday:
1. Speech Arts - write narrative (optional)
2. Math - Designing A Floor Plan (good copy, see criteria in textbook)
3. Science - read p. 42-45. Complete notes page (web). CYU p. 45
4. Religion - Shrove Tuesday venn diagrams

For Tuesday:
1. Religion - reflection question: what can I do during lent to become closer to God?
    (8-10 sentences)
2. Speech Arts - persuasive essay: good copy
3. Girls' basketball game after school (at OLGC)

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Homework 2/12/2013

1. We Create Change - bring pennies
2. You *might* be able to get your Sushi orders included for Hot Lunch
     if you bring them first thing tomorrow morning. It's worth a try if you forgot today.

For tomorrow:
1. Speech Arts - find poem / character recitation **
2. Writing - Persuasive essay rough copy
3. Activités en famille - scrapbook page
4. No choir in the morning, due to Ash Wednesday Mass

For Monday:
1. Speech Arts - write narrative **
2. Science - read p. 42-45. Complete notes (web). CYU p. 45
3. Religion - Shrove Tuesday Venn diagrams

** See note regarding Speech Arts from the post on Thursday, February 7

Saturday, 9 February 2013

Homework 2/8/2013

1. We Create Change - bring pennies
2. Make sure you show that letter from the Archbishop to your parents!
3. Have you brought in your Shrove Tuesday Pancake orders?

For Tuesday:
1. Science - read p. 38-41. Complete notes page. CYU p. 41
2. Red Day - wear red athletic clothes, bring $2. Jump Rope / Hoops for Heart.
3. Pancake hot lunch - bring a plate, cutlery and a cup in a Ziploc bag.
4. Tuesday is "Valentine's Day" - if you are bringing cards for the class, this is the day.
     Remember, if you are bringing cards for the class, please bring them for everyone,
     not just a few for your 
friends. We don't want anyone to feel left out on a day
     dedicated to showing people you care about 

For Wednesday:
1. Activités en famille - scrapbook page
2. Persuasive essay rough copy
3. Choose a poem / character recitation for Speech Arts **

For February 18:
1. Write a narrative for Speech Arts**

**See blog post from Thursday, 7 February 2013 for more information.

Thursday, 7 February 2013

Homework 2/7/2013

1. We Create Change - bring pennies
2. Have you shown the letter from the Archbishop to your parents?
3. Shrove Tuesday Pancake orders

For tomorrow:
1. Math Unit 5 Test
2. Spelling Lesson 15 Quiz

For Tuesday:
1. Science - read p. 38-41. Complete notes page. CYU p. 41
2. Pancake Hot Lunch - bring a plate, cutlery and a cup in a ziploc bag.
3. Tuesday is "Valentine's Day" - if you are bringing cards for the class, this is the day. (Also, if you are bringing cards for the class, please bring them for everyone, not just a few of your friends... We don't want anyone to feel left out on a day dedicated to showing people you care about them.)
4. Red Day - wear red athletic clothes, bring $2. Jump Rope / Hoops for Heart.

For Wednesday:
1. Activités en famille - scrapbook page
2. Persuasive essay rough copy
3. Choose a poem / character recitation for Speech Arts**

For February 18:
1. Write a narrative for Speech Arts**

**Students are choosing between a bible reading, poem to memorize, character recitation and narrative to present to the class for Speech Arts. As such, students are not required to do all of the ** items.

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Homework 2/6/2013

1. Show the letter from the Archbishop to your parents
2. We Create Change - bring pennies

For tomorrow:
** I know there is a lot due tomorrow, but here is a PRIORITIZED list
     (#1 is the most important, if you really have to leave something until tomorrow, leave #7).
1. Shrove Tuesday Pancake orders
2. Religion Quiz Chapter 7
3. Persuasive essay outline
4. Math - Show What You Know p. 194 #1-13
5. Math - finish Fractions Dictionary
6. Spelling Lesson 15 - p. 88-91
7. Monthly News - "A Long Eruption"

For Friday:
1. Math Unit 5 test
2. Spelling Quiz Lesson 15

For Tuesday:
1. Science - read p. 38-41. Complete notes page. CYU p. 41

For Wednesday:
1. Activités en famille - scrapbook page

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Homework 2/5/2013

1. We Create Change - bring pennies

For tomorrow:
1. 7 Important Things - math booklet (see suggestions in yesterday's post)

For Thursday:
1. Math p. 194 #1-13, finish math dictionary
2. Monthly News - "A Long Eruption"
3. Writing - Persuasive essay outline
4. Spelling Lesson 15 - p. 88-91
5. Shrove Tuesday Pancake Lunch orders

Monday, 4 February 2013

Homework 2/4/2013

1. We Create Change - bring pennies

For tomorrow:
1. Math Textbook p. 192 #4, 5, 6, 10; Workbook p. 70, 71
2. Long and Short Term goal plans
3. Choose a topic for your persuasive essay

For Wednesday:
1. Math - 7 Important Things booklet
  • Representing mixed numbers (and improper fractions)
  • Converting between mixed numbers and improper fractions
  • Comparing mixed numbers and improper fractions
  • Ratios
  • Equivalent ratios
  • Percents
  • Relating fractions, decimals and percents
For Thursday:
1. Shrove Tuesday Pancake Lunch Orders
2. Spelling Lesson 15 - p. 88-91

Saturday, 2 February 2013

Homework 2/1/13

1. We Create Change - bring pennies

For Monday:
1. Religion - Jacob's Ladder
2. Girls' Basketball play-off-offs. First game at 9:30 at OLGC.

For Tuesday:
1. Math Textbook p. 192 #4, 5, 6, 10; Workbook p. 70, 71
2. Long and Short Term goal plans
3. Boys' Basketball game vs. St. Catherine's. Rides to be at OLGC by 2:00.
    Please arrange a ride for yourself.