Thursday, 31 January 2013

Homework 1/31/13

1. We Create Change - bring pennies.
2. Spirit Week money - $2 per student or $5 per family

For tomorrow:
1. Sea of Blue Day - Wear blue and bring your school spirit!
2. Spelling Quiz Lesson 14
3. Math Textbook p. 192 #1, 2, 3 (Use the grid for #1. Using the grids for #2, 3 is optional).
4. Monthly News - Canada's Budget Deficit... And the crossword
5. Writing - Why Should You Win The Prize?
6. Portfolio covers

For Monday:
1. Jacob's Ladder

For Tuesday:
1. Short and Long Term goal plans

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Homework 1/30/13

1. We Create Change - bring pennies
2. Spirit Week - $2 per student or $5 per family.
    All money collected supports the Holy Childhood Association.
3. Sign and correct Religion test (only one missing)

For tomorrow:
1. Sports Day - wear gear from your favourite sports team, professional or your own.
2. Spelling Lesson 14 - p. 82-85
3. Math Textbook p. 188 #1, 4, 8, 10, 13; Workbook p. 68, 69
4. French - Workbook p. 6, Parts A, B and C.
5. Religion - p. 48: A Stolen Blessing

For Friday:
1. Sea of Blue Day - Wear blue and bring your school spirit!
2.Writing - Why Should You Win The Prize?
3. Portfolio covers
4. Monthly News - Canada's Budget Deficit and crossword puzzle

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Homework 1/29/13

1. We Create Change - bring pennies
2. Spirit Week - $2 per student or $5 per family.
    All money collected goes to the Holy Childhood Association
3. Sign and correct spelling tests
4. Sign and correct religion tests

For tomorrow:
1. What Not to Wear - wackiest, mix-matched clothes and accessories
2. Don Bosco comic strip
3. Boys' basketball tournament. Rides leave at 12:00. Please make sure you have a ride.

For Thursday:
1. Sports Day - wear gear from a professional sports team, or your own.
2. Spelling Lesson 14 - p. 82 - 85

For Friday:
1. Sea of Blue Day - wear blue and bring your school spirit
2. Persuasive argument - Why should you win the pencil / ball?

Monday, 28 January 2013

Homework 1/28/13

1. We Create Change - bring pennies
2. Spirit Week $2 per student or $5 per family.
    We have less than 50% participation in our class so far.
    All money collected goes to Holy Childhood Association.
3. Sign and correct spelling test
4. Sign and correct Religion test

For Tuesday:
1. Multicultural Day - wear clothing from your culture or someone else's.
2. Math Textbook p. 182 #2, 3, 4, 8, 10; Workbook p. 66, 67
3. Science - read p. 34-36; complete notes page, CYU p.37
4. Girls' basketball away game. Rides leave at 2:30. Please make sure you have a ride.
5. Boys' basketball home game.

For Wednesday:
1. What Not To Wear Day - wear your wackiest, mix-matched clothes and accessories
2. Don Bosco comic strip
3. Boys' basketball tournament. Rides leave at 12:00. Please make sure you have a ride.

For Thursday:
1. Sports Day - wear athletic clothes from your favourite professional team or a team that you play for.

For Friday:
1. Sea of Blue Day - wear blue and bring your school spirit!

Friday, 25 January 2013

Homework 1/25/13

Don't Forget!
1. "We Create Change" - bring pennies
2. Sign and correct spelling test
3. Sign and correct religion test

For Monday:
1. Spirit Week - $2 per child or $5 per family
2. Slumber Party Day - wear pajamas and bring a good book to read

For Tuesday:
1. Math Textbook p. 182 #2, 3, 4, 8, 10; Workbook p. 66, 67
2. Science - read p. 34-36, complete notes page, CYU p. 37
3. Multicultural Day - wear clothes from another culture (yours or someone else's)

For Wednesday:
1. Don Bosco comic strip
2. What Not To Wear Day - wackiest, non-matching-est outfit.

For Thursday:
1. Sports Day - wear gear from your favourite professional sports team, or a team that you play for.

For Friday:
1. Sea of Blue Day - wear blue and bring your school spirit!

Thursday, 24 January 2013

Homework 1/24/13

1. Hot Lunch tomorrow for those who ordered.
2. We Create Change - bring pennies!

For tomorrow:
1. Science - Know and Wonder columns from notes page
2. Math - define 5 terms in your Fractions dictionary:
    ratio, equivalent ratio, terms of a ratio, part-to-part ratio, part-to-whole ratio
3. Math - Fractions Pack 2: Adding fractions
4. Monthly News - Canada Insults North Korea
5. Sign and correct spelling test
6. Sign and correct religion test

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Homework 1/23/13

1. We Create Change - bring pennies

For tomorrow:
1. Math - Textbook p. 178 #2, 5, 10, 11; Workbook p. 64, 65
2. Spelling - Lesson 13 p. 76-79

For Friday:
1. Math - Fractions pack 2: Adding fractions
2. Monthly News - Canada Insults North Korea
3. Sign and correct spelling test
4. Sign and correct religion test

Monday, 21 January 2013

Homework 1/21/13

For tomorrow:
1. Math - Textbook p. 173 #2, 6, 7, 10, 11; Workbook p. 62, 63
2. Persuasive Writing - Check the Strategies
3. Monthly News - Israel and the Palestinians
4. Science - read 30-33, complete notes page, CYU p. 33 #1, 3, 4, 5
5. Bring pennies for 'We Create Change"

For Wednesday:
1. Short Term / Long Term goals and time map
2. French - Ma Famille page

For Friday:
1. Math - Fractions pack 2: adding fractions

Sunday, 20 January 2013


Please remember that tomorrow, we are travelling to the Vancouver Aquarium for the day.

Please make sure you are on time for school, as the bus leaves promptly at 9:00.

When you are packing your lunch, remember that we will likely be eating outside, so try not to need too many pieces of cutlery.

We will be back at school by 3:30, hopefully earlier. If you are in the band, bring your instruments, and hopefully you'll still make most of practice.

Don't wear your school uniform. Instead, wear comfortable clothes. (The Aquarium recommends closed toe shoes - but because it's January, I'm hoping that goes without saying).

Thursday, 17 January 2013

Homework 1/17/13

1. Math tests signed and corrected
2. Excuse notes

For tomorrow:
1. Math Fractions pack - representing, reducing, adding
2. Positive Role Model
3. Spelling - Lesson 12 p. 72-74
4. Hot Lunch forms
5. Religion Ch. 6 quiz

For Monday:
1. Field Trip to the Vancouver Aquarium:
       - Be on time for school
       - Wear comfortable, closed-toe shoes, and dress for the weather
       - Bring an easy-to-eat lunch and snack, in a small bag that you can carry on your back.

For Tuesday:
1. Math Textbook p. 173 #2, 6, 7, 10, 11; Workbook p. 62, 63
2. Persuasive Writing - Check the Strategies (look through your persuasive
    piece and find examples of persuasive strategies)
3. Science - Read p. 30-33, complete notes page, CYU p. 33 #1, 3, 4, 5
4. Monthly News - Israel and the Palestinians

For Wednesday:
1. French - Ma famille page

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Homework 1/16/13

"Quick! We are waiting for these!":
1. Math tests - signed and corrected
2. Aquarium permission forms
3. Excuse notes

For tomorrow:
1. Math  - Textbook p. 175 #8, 9, 12
2. Persuasion Is All Around Us (find a piece of persuasive writing and answer questions)
3. Scholastic orders
4. French - bring a picture of your family (optional, but tomorrow if you want to bring one)
5. Religion Chapter 6 Review, p. 46
6. Basketball boys - make sure you have a ride to the game.

For Friday:
1. Math - Fractions pack - representing, reducing, adding
2. Positive Role Model
3. Spelling Lesson 12 p. 72-74
4. Hot Lunch forms

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Homework 1/15/13

For tomorrow:
1. Math - Textbook p. 168 #1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11; Workbook p. 60, p. 61 SYT
2. Science - animal and plant cell diagrams (labelled, coloured, fine-lined)
3. Monthly News - Port Mann Bridge
4. Bring in pictures of your family (optional) for French
5. MATH TESTS - signed and corrected (you know who you are!)
6. Aquarium permission forms

For Thursday:
1. Persuasion Is All Around Us
2. Scholastic orders
3. Basketball boys arrange rides for their game at St. Bernadette's

For Friday:
1. Math - fractions pack (representing, reducing, adding)
2. Hot Lunch forms
3. Spelling Lesson 12 p. 72-74

Monday, 14 January 2013

Homework 1/14/13

For tomorrow:
1. Math - have tests signed and corrected.

For Wednesday:
1. Math - Textbook p. 168 #1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11; Workbook p. 60, SYT p. 61
2. Science - Animal and Plant Cell diagrams (coloured, labelled, fine-lined)
3. Monthly News - Port Mann bridge
4. French - Bring in photo of your closest family: optional
5. Aquarium permission form

For Thursday:
1. Scholastic Orders (optional)

For Friday:
1. Math - Fractions pack - representing, reducing, adding
2. Hot Lunch Forms

Friday, 11 January 2013

Homework 1/11/13

1. Girls' Basketball practices have been moved from Friday afternoons to Thursdays at lunch.
2. Boys' Basketball team is responsible for finding their own rides to Thursday's game.
3. Scholastic orders are due Thursday. Please make cheques payable to Scholastic Canada Ltd.

For Monday:
1. Math - Textbook p. 164 # 2a, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9; Workbook p. 58, 59
2. Science - read p. 27-29, complete notes page. CYU p. 33 #2 (Mon.)
3. What influences our goals? - worksheet

For Tuesday:
1. Math tests - signed and corrected

For Wednesday:
1. Monthly News - Port Mann Bridge

For Friday:
1. Math - Fractions pack - representing, reducing, adding

Thursday, 10 January 2013

Homework 1/10/13

1. Scholastic order forms are available. They are due back by January 17th.
    Please enclose a cheque payable to Scholastic Canada Ltd.
2. Girls' basketball practices have been moved from Friday after school to Thursday at lunch.

Due tomorrow:
1. Communicating Skills p. 21
2. Spelling Quiz Lesson 11
3. There are six of you who have notes in your planners reminding you to have your Science
    tests signed, corrected and returned.
4? Science - Read p. 27-29, complete notes sheet. CYU p. 33 #2 ** I'm not sure if this is due
     tomorrow or Monday, but go by whatever is in your planner**

Due Monday:
1. Math Textbook p. 164 #2a, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, Workbook p. 58, 59
2. What Influences Our Goals? sheet
3. Sign and correct Math tests

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Homework 1/9/13

For tomorrow:

1. Complete "Salt In His Shoes" worksheet
2. Math - Define "numerator", "denominator",
    "proper fraction", "improper fraction", "mixed number"
3. Spelling Lesson 11 - p. 66-69
4. Sign and correct Science test
5. Science p. 22-23: Read and complete notes page, CYU p. 23#1-3

For Friday:
1. Communicating Skills p. 21
2. Spelling Quiz Lesson 11

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Homework 1/8/13

For tomorrow:
1. Religion - Mapping activity p. 40
2. Math - Unit 5 Launch (floorplan and #1-8)
3. Science - p. 18-21 notes page (While You Read), CYU p. 21 #1-2

For Thursday:
1. Spelling Lesson 11 p. 66-69
2. Science tests corrections and parent signature

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!

This is just a quick reminder that school resumes Tuesday, January 8 at 8:45 am.

See you then!