Wednesday, 19 December 2012

School Closed

Good morning!

There is no school today due to snow!

Enjoy your day off and rest your voices for the play tomorrow.


Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Homework 12/18/12

1. Dress rehearsal tomorrow. Please bring your costume!
2. Christmas Play DVD order forms were sent home today.

For tomorrow:
1. Rules final project Part 2

Monday, 17 December 2012

Homework 12/17/12

1. We are in charge of the Advent Assembly tomorrow.
    Please wear your very best school uniform (black shoes, school sweaters, tuck in your shirt).

2. Please bring your costume back to school if you brought it home,
    as we didn't have time to try them on today. If you're still looking for pieces, keep at it!

For tomorrow:
1. Practice reading your part for the assembly. And then practice more.
2. Communicating Skills p. 18-20
3. Novel Study final project part 1: The Rules
**stage crew - you have the option of handing this project in on the first day back from Christmas Break, but I highly recommend you get it in beforehand, so you don't have any homework over Christmas.**

Saturday, 15 December 2012

Homework 12/14/12

1. Please bring your Christmas Play costume to school on Monday. (But wear your uniform). We will try on the costumes as a class. If you haven't found a costume yet, check the blog post from December 5 for ideas and pictures.
2. Enjoy your weekend without any other homework!

Thursday, 13 December 2012

Homework 12/13/12

1. Bring Fill the Crib items or food for the Food Bank in order to wear your red / green tomorrow.
2. Find a costume for the Christmas Play. Bring it to school on Monday.
3. Girls' Volleyball party tomorrow at the Pakulak residence. Please RSVP.
4. Altar servers to the church for 8:30 tomorrow for those helping with the school mass.
5. Hot Lunch tomorrow.

For Friday:
1. Math Chapter 4 Test
2. Math - Extra Practice (optional but highly recommended). Answers are included in the handout.
3. Religion - Peace on Earth paragraph
4. Rules - Read p. 191-200 (end of the book). Complete connections sheet.

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Homework 12/12/12

1. Christmas Play costumes to school by Monday December 17th
2. Christmas Drawing contest due by Friday December 14th (optional)
3. Remember your items to "Fill The Crib"
4. Friday you may wear red / green. Please bring $1 if you would like to participate.
5. Please wear your full school uniform to school each day.
    This includes black dress shoes (not boots) and school sweaters.

For Thursday:
1. Math - 7 Important Things... mini-book
    *see criteria from yesterday's post
2. Math - Show What You Know p. 154 #1-10
3. Spelling Lesson 10 - p. 60-63
4. Rules - Read p. 178 - 190. Complete Connections sheet.

For Friday:
1. Math - Chapter 4 Test
2. Spelling Lesson 10 Quiz

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Homework 12/11/12

1. Christmas Play costumes to school by Monday December 17th
2. Christmas Drawing contest due by Friday December 14th (optional)
3. Remember to bring items to "Fill The Crib"
4. Friday you may wear red / green. Please bring $1 if you would like to participate.

For Wednesday:
1. Science Quiz Chapter 1 (3 multiple choice, 5 true/false, 2 short answer)
2. Rules - Read p. 167-177. Complete Connections sheet

For Thursday:
1. Math - 7 Important Things... mini-book (try to finish this tonight,
    as there will be more math homework tomorrow)
    * See criteria below
2. Spelling Lesson 10 - p. 60-63

For Friday:
1. Math - Chapter 4 Test
2. Spelling Lesson 10 Quiz

Your Math mini-booklet should include:
Title page (Name)
Reference Angles (45°, 90°, 180°)
Naming Angles (acute, obtuse, reflex)
Measuring Angles (protractors, steps to measure, helpful hints)
Drawing Angles (examples, steps to draw, helpful hints - ruler etc)
Triangle Angles (180°, how to find the third angle)
Quadrilateral Angles (360°, how to find the fourth angle)
*You can choose to use the extra page to spread one topic over two pages,
   or to add other hints helpful to you.
* I will mark the booklets based on content. I encourage you to make your
   booklet look nice, so that it sticks in your memory as you study from it.

Monday, 10 December 2012

Homework 12/10/12

1. Christmas Play costumes to school by Monday December 17th
2. Christmas Drawing contest due by Friday December 14th (optional)
3. Remember to bring items to "Fill The Crib"

For Tuesday:
1. Science p. 16 vocabulary, p. 17 #1-7
2. Rules - read p. 155-166. Complete connections sheet
3. Math Textbook p. 151 #1, 2, 3, 5, 7. Workbook p. 56-57

For Wednesday:
1. Science Chapter 1 quiz

For Thursday:
1. Spelling Lesson 10 p. 60-63

Friday, 7 December 2012

Homework 12/7/12

1. Christmas Play costumes to school by Monday December 17th
2. Farewell Mass for Sister Anne Saturday at 9:00. All are invited to attend. (optional)
3. Christmas Drawing contest due by Friday December 14th (optional)

For Monday:
1. Science - Read pages 12-13. Complete notes page. Check Your Understanding p. 13
2. Rules - Read p. 145-154 and complete Connections sheet
    (at least 3 connections in at least 2 columns)
3. Please sign and correct Religion quizzes (for those who have not done so already)

Thursday, 6 December 2012

Homework 12/6/12

1. Please be in the music room at 8:30am tomorrow in your very best school uniform.
    (black shoes and sweaters)
2. Christmas Play costumes should be at school by Dec 17.
    Please see below for ideas and pictures.

For tomorrow:
1. Math Textbook p. 148 #4, 5, 6, 7, 9
2. Science - Read p. 8-9. Complete notes page. CYU p. 9
3. Spelling Quiz - Lesson 9
4. Rules - Read p. 129-144 and complete Connections sheet
    (at least 3 connections in at least 2 columns)
5. Sign and correct Religion quiz

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Christmas Play costumes

As you have heard, the Grade Six costumes for the Christmas Play this year are to be Dickens' era costumes. We request that all costumes be at school by Monday December 17th. (You may bring them earlier, and leave them in your lockers.) On the 17th, the Grade Six class will try on their costumes to ensure that we are all on the same page. Here are some resources and references to help you get started in your costume search: (the second page is the most helpful)

 (but with shoes, please)

Homework 12/5/12

1. Hints for making a Dickens era costume for the Christmas Play are above.
    Please have all costumes at school by December 17th.
2. If you are planning to give a donation for Sr. Anne's gift with the school,
    please send it tomorrow. ($1 per family recommended)
3. No boys basketball practice tomorrow after school.

For tomorrow:
1. Math Textbook p. 148 #1, 2, 3, 8; Workbook p. 54, 55
2. Communicating Skills p. 16, 17
3. Spelling Lesson 9 p. 54-57
4. Rules - Read p. 113-128 and complete Connections sheet
    (3 connections in at least 2 columns)
5. Sign and correct Religion quiz

For Friday:
1. Science - Chapter 1.2 notes page. CYU p. 9

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Homework 12/4/12

1. Boys Basketball practice this week will be tomorrow at lunch. 
    There will be no practice Thursday after school.
2. A list of ways to make inexpensive Dickens' era costumes (for the Christmas play) 
    will be sent home tomorrow.

For tomorrow:
1. Rules - read p. 98-112 and complete the connections sheet.
    (At least 3 connections in at least 2 different categories)
2. Math workbook p. 52, 53
3. Religion p. 31, 32, 33, 36

For Thursday:
1. Communicating Skills p. 16, 17
2. Spelling Lesson 9 p. 54-57

Monday, 3 December 2012

Homework 12/3/12

1. Boys Basketball practice this week will be Wednesday at lunch.
    There will be no practice Thursday after school.

For tomorrow:
1. Rules - read p.89-97 and complete Expanding Connections sheet.
    (At least 3 connections in at least 2 different categories)
2. Math Textbook p. 141 #1, 2, 5, 7, 10
3. Science - read p. 6-7. Complete notes page. Check Your Understanding p. 7
    (can be written on the lines on the back of the notes page).

For Wednesday:
1. Religion p. 31, 32, 33, 36

For Thursday:
1. Communicating Skills p. 16, 17
2. Spelling Lesson 9 p. 54-57

Friday, 30 November 2012

Homework - 11/30/2012

1. Please return report card covers and envelopes

For Monday:
1. Rules - Read p. 76-88 and complete Expanding Your Connections sheet (at least three connections that fall into at least two different categories)
2. Math Textbook p. 136 #1, 2, 6, 9; Workbook p. 50-51
3. Symphony writing (good copy)

For Tuesday:
1. Science - read pages 6-7. Complete notes page and CYU p. 7 (you can write the answers on the lines on the back of the notes page)

Thursday, 29 November 2012

Homework 11/29/2012

1. Basketball permission slip

1. Casual Day tomorrow - $3 suggested. No uniforms.
2. Please return signed report card covers and envelopes.
3. Five of you are serving at tomorrow's mass. Please be early.

For tomorrow:
1. Rules - read p. 66-75 and complete Expanding Connections sheet
    (at least 3 connections, in at least 2 different categories)
2. Spelling Quiz Lesson 8
3. Religion Quiz - Chapter 4
4. Religion Chapter 4 Review: p. 30

For Monday:
1. Math - Textbook p. 136 # 1, 2, 6, 9; Workbook p. 50-51
2. Symphony Writing - good copy

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Homework - 11/27/2012

1. Basketball permission slip
2. Report Cards sent home
3. Paper copy of the newsletter
4. November Calendar
5. Book Fair Preview flyer
6. December Supervision calendars
7. Choir permission slip (for choir members)

1. No school tomorrow for Parent-Teacher Interviews
2. Grade Six students are required to attend their interview time. Please do not bring siblings into the interview.
3. Book Fair tomorrow.
4. Casual Day for Covenant House - $3 suggested (Fri.)

1. Rules - Read p. 50-65 (2 Chapters!) and complete Making Connections sheet (Thurs.)
2. Spelling Lesson 8: p. 48-51 (Thurs.)
3. Religion Chapter 4 Quiz (Fri.)

Monday, 26 November 2012

Homework - 11/26/2012

1. Library letter
2. Basketball permission slip
3. Choir permission slip (for choir members)

1. No School Wednesday, but Grade 6 students are required to attend their parent-teacher interview. Please do not bring your siblings into the interview.
2. Book Fair on Wednesday during the interviews.

Due Tomorrow:
1. Math - Just Measure It sheet
2. Math - dictionary: fill in definitions for acute, obtuse, straight and reflex angles (with pictures)
3. Rules (Novel Study) - Read p. 41-49 and Making Connections sheet

Due Thursday:
1. Spelling - Lesson 8: p. 48-51

Saturday, 24 November 2012

Homework - 11/23/2012

While there is no new homework after Club Aviva on Friday, here is a repeat of the work due Monday, and also a couple of reminders.

1. Read the Newsletter online. We're having trouble getting the email to everyone this week.
2. Library Letter
3. Basketball permission slip

1. You will have a chance to work on your All About Me PowerPoint on MONDAY. If you want to bring pictures on a USB stick, you are welcome to do so. Instructions are at the bottom of this post.
2. We will be measuring angles with a protractor on Monday. I have 17 math sets under my desk. (Maybe some of you have your math set with your supplies in your desk or cubby). If you do not have a protractor at school yet, please know that you will need it next week. As always, it is much easier if you label it with your name (in small letters).

For Monday:
1. Math Textbook p. 131 #1, 2, 5. Workbook p. 48, 49 (all)
2. Symphony writing
3. Novel Study - read p. 29-40 and Making Connections sheet
4. Colour your Reading Power friend
5. Science - Living Things web

How to move files from your computer to your USB stick:
1. Put your USB stick into the USB slots on your computer. (They're rectangular, and are usually on the side of a laptop or the front and back of a desktop box. Sometimes, you even find them on the side of your monitor.)
2. Your computer will probably tell you it is installing your stick. Wait for it to finish. You will get a message that it is ready to use.
3. Use Windows Explorer (or Finder on a Mac) to find the pictures on your computer.
4. For each picture you want, right click and choose copy (NOT cut).
5. On the left side of your Windows Explorer, you probably have a My Computer section, which lists your C, D, E, F etc. drives. For many of you, your USB stick will be the E or F drive. It will be called something like Cruzer, or Mass Storage Device, etc. Double click on it.
6. Right click where the files are listed (maybe a blank white area if there's nothing on the stick already). Choose paste.
7. Repeat until each of the pictures you want is on your USB stick.
8. When you are finished, make sure you eject your USB stick safely... not safely for you, but for the stick. Make sure you close all the windows that are using the USB stick (like Windows Explorer).
9. In the bottom right corner, you will find an icon with an arrow. Right click on it, and you should see the USB stick name. When the option comes up, choose safely eject, or stop. You will get a message saying that your USB stick can be safely removed.
10. Now, just make sure your USB stick makes it into your backpack, and you can have pictures in your PowerPoint!

Thursday, 22 November 2012

Homework - 11/22/2012

Please return:
1. Library letter
2. Basketball permission slip
3. Choir Christmas Concert permission slip (choir only)

Please remember:
1. Five of you are serving at tomorrow's school Mass. Please be at school early.
2. Club Aviva tomorrow. Dress in athletic wear, and bring only what you need (lunch).

For Monday:
1. Math Textbook p. 131 #1, 2, 5; Workbook p. 48, 49
2. Colour your Reading Power friend
3. Rules p. 29-40 and Making Connections sheet
4. Science - Living Things web
5. Symphony writing rough copy (see criteria below)

Our Trip to the Symphony Criteria:
3 paragraphs (5-8 sentences each)
1. What did we do?
2. What did you learn?
3. Personal Response (How did you feel? What was your favourite part? Did you change your mind about anything? etc.)

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Homework - 11/21/2012

Please return:
1. Library letter
2. Basketball permission forms

For tomorrow (Thursday):
1. Math Textbook p. 127 #1, 2, 5;  Workbook p. 46, 47
2. Spelling p. 42-45 (and quiz)
3. Rules - Read "Don't run down the clinic hallway" (p. 13-28) and complete Making Connections sheet

For Monday:
1. Colour Reading Power friend

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Homework - 11/20/2012

1. Library Letter
2. Interview times sent home today
3. Basketball permission

For Wednesday:
1. The bus leaves at 8:30. Be at school early please! (8:15)
2. Rules - Read "Follow The Rules" (Ch. 1) and complete Making Connections page
3. Kenya Chapter 4 Paragraph (Virtual Safari)

For Thursday:
1. Math - Textbook p. 127 #1, 2, 5. Workbook p. 46, 47 (all)
2. Spelling - p. 42-45

For Monday:
1. Colour your Reading Power friend

Monday, 19 November 2012

Homework - 11/19/2012

*star* - Library Letter
1. Show your parents the letter from Miss Borraccia (tomorrow)
2. Rules - Novel Study Preview (tomorrow)
3. Spelling Lesson 7 - p. 42-45 (Thurs.)
4. Find the new blog... if you are reading this, consider it done! (tomorrow)

Please continue to work on any overdue homework for Mrs. Garcia, and hand it in tomorrow.

Sunday, 18 November 2012


Welcome to the second term Grade 6 blog. 

While the address is different, this blog will still be linked from the main OLGC website. 

I look forward to working with you this year!